Wellness and spa@hotel Paint it black

We designed wellness and spa center for the hotel Paint it black in Gevgelija, with all the facilities a spa center can have such as jacuzzi, sauna, salty room, steam room, massage room, relax room, shower and toilets, and off course the most representative space, the lobby. The whole spa-center will be made by the well known macedonian company Pirin export.

The concept is clean and modern space. We used warmer materials for the lobby and darker and heavier for the rest of the spa-center.




  • Elena Martinovska, B. Arch
  • Marijana Nikolovska M-r Arch

3d visualization

  • Marijana Nikolovska M-r Arch


  • Ana Maljanovska


  • Gevgelija

web address

  • https://hotelpaintitblack.mk


  • 2020